The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren {Book Review}

~ Description 
Why is Christmas such a big deal?

If you stop to think about it, it is astounding that the simple, unassuming birth of a peasant baby boy more than two thousand years ago in the Middle East can today cause traffic jams every December in places like New York City, Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro.

The night Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, a small group of poor shepherds were quietly tending their flocks of sheep in a nearby field, looking up at the stars. Nothing seemed any different from a thousand other nights. But what was about to happen would transform not only their lives but billions of other lives as well. The world would never be the same again. 

Regardless of your religious background, you need to know how the three purposes of Christmas solve your three greatest needs. 

Understanding and receiving God's Christmas gifts to you will transform your life...forever!

~ My Rating 
5 stars 

~ My Review 

The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren was an amazing book. 

I was scouring my mom's bookshelf one day a few weeks ago, looking for more Christmas reads, and I came across some Christmas nonfiction. I asked her which ones she would recommend first, and The Purpose of Christmas was the first one she chose. 

*happy sigh* I'm so glad I read this one, and even though I've written quite a few book reviews, I don't think I can easily put into words how eloquent and truth-filled this one was. 

I would have appreciated if all references to God had been capitalized (pronouns were not), but this was not the first book I read where I noticed that. 

Instead of going on and on about it, I'm going to stop now and give y'all a few quotes. Bottom line: I would 100% recommend it. <33 

~ Quotes

"Although there are accidental parents, there are no accidental babies. The parents may not have planned it, but God did."

"Salvation...means being given the freedom and power to fulfill God's purpose for your life."

"If you study the life of Jesus, you'll quickly see that when you make a mistake, Jesus doesn't rub it in. He rubs it out."

"God had so much more in mind than just fire insurance when he sent Jesus to be our savior."

"...Any lasting solution must start in the heart, and only God can transform hearts." 

"The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry." 

"No man or woman will ever love you as completely and deeply as Jesus does." 


Visit Stories by Firefly for more fun stops with the 12 Days of Christmas blog party! :D


  1. Great review, Faith! :) We definitely do need to remember what the purpose of Christmas is.
    I can't wait to see more reviews! =)


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