This Hostile Land by Willowy Whisper {Book Review}

Hi everyone! *waves* Long time no see, eh? It's been, uh, two weeks since I posted here. Horrible, I know, but hopefully that's going to change. :D 

Today I have a review for you! A short story by the young Willowy Whisper. This is the third of her works I've had the privilege of reading (I've also reviewed and The Innocent and The Letter. Links lead to my reviews) and, let me tell you, this girl is super talented! 

Book Description 
“It's here, Dan, and we've got to face it. We can't run from it—not like your Pa. We've got to stick things out, no matter how hard it gets, no matter how much they take.” Reese leaned forward, moving his calloused hands over the boy's. “For your Ma's sake, if for nothing else.”

Reese Davern finds himself back in Wyoming, summoned by a desperate letter from his sister. But when the enemy strikes out and leaves Dan motherless, Reese has more to protect than just the sheep. Can a fourteen-year-old boy and one man survive the cruelties of this hostile land? Or are they fools to even try? 

My Rating
5 of 5 stars 

My Review

Miss Willowy's stories never fail to amaze me and cause my heart to race! This Hostile Land was no exception. It was, quite literally, the perfect western short-story.

Not that I consider myself an expert on westerns, but this is superb. Gunfights, nasty villains, danger, thrill, and excitement! All written in such a vivid, depictive style. Ahhh, I loved this story. <3 

Reese was my favorite (of course). He's somewhat like the typical hero-cowboy, but he doesn't drink, cuss, and carouse. Instead he prays, seeks God's help, and does his best to protect those he loves. 

Dan was a great character as well, and I enjoyed reading his relationship with his Uncle Reese. :) 

My only hold back to handing this story to anyone would be the detailed violence that plays a main part in this book. In my personal opinion, that's what makes it such a realistic western. (And if you've saw any western movies aside from The Apple Dumpling Gang, there's not much difference there.) But for that I couldn't recommend it to a young audience. 

That said, I have only one request... A sequel!! I need a sequel short-story of what happens with everyone next! :D 


"Not hardly. ... That was just a battle cry." 

"You live by the cattle or you die by the cattleman." 

This was cattle country. This was hostile land.

**I received a free e-copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.** 


  1. You always write such great book reviews, Faith! =) I always enjoy them. :)
    This book sounds pretty good.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Rebekah! I enjoy writing them. ^.^
      It was!

      Thanks for your comment! :D

  2. Sounds good, Faith!
    I liked how you put some quotes at the end.

    1. It was really good! :)
      Thank you! Quotes are often times one of my favorite things from the book. ^_^


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