I'm Back! /// New Page

Hello, dear people!!! Guess what? I'M NOT DEAD!!!!! Surprising, huh? Okay, so most (if not all) of y'all follow my other blog, Stories by Fireflyso you know that I didn't drop off the face of the earth after "12 Days of Christmas". xD 
*clears throat* Enough chitchat. I've been terribly neglectful of this blog here of late and I apology. The good news is I have lots of upcoming posts and some blog news. :) 

First off, what to y'all think of the new blog look? Personally, I love it. :) Also be sure and check out the new About Me page and tell me what ya think!! :D 

Soon I'll have some books reviews up here! These will be of R&R books I've requested, but I may do more book reviews if y'all enjoy them. ;) 

Sisters in Christ is a monthly chat to better get to know our sisters in the faith!! Each month I will post of 'interview' of sorts, here at Chosen Vessels, between me and one of you blogger pals! A couple of you have already said that you would love to be participants. :) Several weeks in advance I'll send a list of questions to the interviewee and we'll go from there! :D Sound like fun? If you'd like to participate, please let me know!! :) 

I have a couple other things planned, including posts on worship, fulfillment, and broken vessels. I hope you guys enjoy them! 

Thanks for reading! I'll be back soon with some great (hopefully.) posts. ;) 
~ your sister in Christ, Faith 


  1. I'm looking forward to all the new posts! And that reminds me. . .I never sent you the list of questions!!! So sorry! I'll get it sent ASAP. :)

    1. Yay! Oh, that's totally fine. I've been too busy to even think about it until now. ;)

  2. Yeah! I'm excited for the next activity on here! I would be interested in participating in the "Sister's In Christ" thing if you want.

    1. Sorry, I made 2 mistakes: "next" was supposed to be "new" and "Sister's" was supposed to be "Sisters."

      By the way, I love the new blog look! (I love using pic collage too!)

    2. I'm so glad, Bethany!! That's great! I'll add you to the currently-non-existent-list. xD

      Thank you! Yes, PicCollage is awesome. B-)

    3. Alrighty! Looking forward to it!

  3. I really like your new blog look, Faith! :) It's really pretty.
    I'm excited to read your book reviews.
    I am also super excited about the Sisters in Christ fun that will be going on!!! :D

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! Yes, I love the colors. :)
      I hope you enjoy them!
      Yes, it's going to be lots of fun!! :D

  4. I love the new blog! It's so nice and blue and spring-y! :)

    Hurray for the Sisters in Christ! It's going to be SO much fun! I'd love to participate :)

    1. Thank you, Blessing!! I'm quite partial to this shade of blue. :)

      Yay!! I'll add you to the list. :) Thanks for commenting!!

  5. Hey, this is Amy from Living in Faith and Fun. I would like to participate.

    1. Hey, Amy! Great! I'm going to randomly pick someone from my list each month for this. I'll add you to it. ;)


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