Don't Give Up, Dearest.

As I talked about briefly on Stories by Firefly a few days ago, this is National Suicide Prevention Week in America. I had an entirely different post planned for today (which y'all will probably get next week *wink*), but after some contemplation, inspiration, and prayers, I decided to write about this. Hopefully it makes sense to someone. 


It's a sticky subject. One that most people shy away from. Which is sad, really...when you think about it. It's a wicked disease, stealing people away. Why don't we know more? Why didn't I know more until this week? I claim to be writing a book that deals with the topic, and yet I was sorely under-informed. 

> Did you know that there are more than 1,000 suicides on college campuses a year? 

> Did you know that, globally, someone commits suicide every 40 seconds? That's around 800,000 a year. 

Did you know that suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people aged 25-34? And the third-leading cause of death among people 15-24? 

Yeah, I didn't know either. And it's saddening. Why do people choose to take their own life? Honestly, I don't know because I can't relate. But here's what I've seen to be reasons given. 

Because they feel like they don't belong. Aren't needed. Aren't wanted. Aren't loved. That life is just too hard. That it's not worth it. That the people in their lives would be better off without them. 

It's breaks my heart to think that there are people around me, maybe even people I have encountered or frequently encounter, who feel this way. No one should have to feel like they aren't loved, aren't needed, or wouldn't even be missed. You may think no one does, but I promise you there are people right now who care about you. 

I don't know who's reading this. But if you've ever felt like that – like it's just not worth it, that you're too tired to go on, like dying is a better option that living...let me remind you of something. 

There is so much in this life you've yet to experience. Whether you're six, sixteen, or one-hundred and three, there will always be more sunsets to see. More laughter to share. More stars to gaze at. More smiles to create. More sunshine to soak up and rain to dance in. More people to love and be loved by. 

We live in a sinful and broken world, but there is still good. Why? How? Because God is good, and He is here among us. 

No matter what you're trying to escape, ending it all is not the answer. You're worth so much more than that. You are completely and wholly loved by the Lord of the Universe. He died the cruel death of the cross out of His all-powerful love for you. To redeem you. Life is hard, but when it's lived for His glory it's so worth it. 

God has a beautiful plan for every heart He has started to beating. Don't give up on that plan. Don't bring the story that He is writing of your life to an abrupt end. 

You are special. 

You are loved. 

You are dear to His heart – so very dear. 

Don't give up, dearest. 


If you're struggling with suicide or feelings of unworthiness, reach out to someone – a friend, a family member, just someone who cares. And most importantly, reach out to God. Don't suffer in silence when He's only a prayer away. Speak up and reach out. Just don't give up. 

*source, Pinterest 

Want more? Take a look at this post on Letters to Jayna. The night can't last forever. Morning is coming, my friend. <3 


  1. Beautiful post. Its so needed, especially now. So many are struggling with depression and loneliness. You're shining a light that so many need.


    1. Your words mean so much to me, Ivie. Thank you. <33

  2. Wow, very encouraging post, Faith. Thank you for writing this :')

  3. Thanks for writing about this subject, Faith. Not many people do, and there are many who need to hear what you wrote.
    God bless you and your heart.

  4. "There is so much in this life you've yet to experience. Whether you're six, sixteen, or one-hundred and three, there will always be more sunsets to see. More laughter to share. More stars to gaze at. More smiles to create. More sunshine to soak up and rain to dance in. More people to love and be loved by."

    so beautiful.

    thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thank you, Ashley!! <33 And thanks for commenting. :)

  5. What an encouraging post, Faith! You're good at writing those kinds of posts, by the way. :) I especially like is line: "God has a beautiful plan for every heart He has started to beating." So true! <3

    1. Aww, thank you, Rebekah!! <3 That's probably my favorite line. ;) *hugs*


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