Sisters in Christ ~ Soleil B. ~ March 2017

Hello everyone and welcome to the March edition of Sisters in Christ! :) Today's special guest is Soleil B. who blogs at Thoughts from a Daughter of God and Reviews by Soleil. She's a super sweet girl -- fellow reader, writer, and blogger. Sit back and enjoy! :) 

Welcome to the blog!! Introduce yourself to the readers, Soleil! :) 

I often label myself as a reader, writer, dreamer, and adventurer. There is hardly a time I don't think of some new story that is just waiting to burst forth. When I'm not in my own world and entertaining my characters, I am often in the mountains with my family or traveling to new places. 

Let's talk about blogging. What inspired you to start a blog? 
I can't fully recall what inspired me to begin blogging. I just had a love of writing, and blogging was a way I could expound on that. I wasn't on much social media, and this was an outlet where I put down my thoughts on everyday life and struggles. I'm not the most steadiest of bloggers, nor the most well written one, but I do enjoy it.

Did you read other blogs before starting your own, or was starting a blog what thrust you into this amazing world we call The Blogosphere? ;) 
I followed a few blogs, mostly those by young women who were serving as missionaries. I have generally been on a smaller scale of following until recently. I would say that the past few months is when I experienced the "Blogosphere" and connected with others. I've gotten to know some amazing bloggers lately, and have enjoyed reading their post, and chatting with them about everyday life.

How did you find my blog(s)? 
*tries to think back that far*  XP Umm. Was it thru Jaye L Knight? I think it was through her, but if not than it was from the Valentine Writing Contest last year. I'm terrible at remembering dates XP and time just goes by so quickly.

Ohh yes. The contest. ;) 

Okay, onto the faith-related questions... What's your favorite Bible verse, chapter, and book? Why? 
That's hard!!! I have always loved Exodus and I had a great time studying thru Romans with my church last year. A favorite verse of mine has been Ps 56:3 "When I am afraid, I will trust in you"

What Bible verse(s) have really helped you through some rough times? 
Same verse as above. Whenever I am scared, or don't want to go through with something, I repeat that verse over and over again.

"I have called you by name, you are mine" Is 43:1: It is a good reminder that I am God's, and that he wants me. That he knows who I am and has a purpose for me.

Ps 34:18: This one I read a lot when family and friends have passed away.
Isaiah 56: Knowing that death isn't the end, and that sometimes it is for the better

What is one event in your life that really strengthened your Christian walk? 
I've seen many different things, though perhaps not in the way other people would fully understand as it being a "God thing." And being so young I am still learning so many things, but I think perhaps an event that has brought me closer to God was foster care. We adopted a little girl 5 years ago, and from that time on, I have seen God heal my family and I, as well as her. She is such a light and joy to our family, and I am so blessed that God placed her with us. Anytime I look at her I can only imagine how God will continue to use her in the future. 

Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. <3 

Any Bible reading tips? 
I'm a writer, so I love writing stories. One way I studied was I went through the book of Exodus taking notes and reading through it all at once. It's amazing what you can miss if you don't look close enough, and in "researching" for a story idea, it often gave me the opportunity to grow in the word. So when you read, I recommend you take notes. Whether you make a list, or just write down a few new things you learn, it will help you keep it to heart. Don't ignore certain parts of scripture because you think it old and outdated, God deemed it important enough to be in the Bible, so it is still applicable for us to learn from.

Annnnddd, the reading/writing questions... On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most), how much of a reader would you consider yourself? What about a writer? 
reader: 10. I read all the time, and often carry a book around with me....just in case ;)
writer: 8.5 I call myself a writer, but don't always have the time. I've written a couple rough draft novels, and a few short stories. I have plenty to write about, but I am waiting for the right time to begin them. 

Where's your favorite place to read and/or write? 
Usually my bed. XP It's a comfy spot and I enjoy writing downstairs in our guest bedroom. I have christmas lights decorated, so it gives it a cozy atmosphere.

What's your favorite author(s)? Favorite books by them? 
Jenny Cote-The Fire the Revelation and the Fall
Christa Kinde/CJ Milbrandt -Pursuing Prissie, Rakefang
Morgan L Busse- Daughter of Light
Marissa Meyer- Heartless
are just a few, not even including all the amazing writers I've found or have published recently

What are some books that really impacted your young life? 
...It may not be exactly what you meant, but Nancy Drew impacted me a lot lol. I actually told my parents a fact the other day because of those books and felt quite accomplished. All those mysteries and days reading paid off for something. *laughs*  
Chuck Black definitely. His were the books I have read hundreds of times over and over again. He is probably what started my want to write- my first novel was inspired by his ideas in his Kingdom Series. His books also put the scriptures in a new light. There are many others that have affected me over the years from authors like Jeff and Alyssa Bethke, and David Platt for starters.

I haven't read any of Chuck Black's books, but I'd like to try them out. :) 

How about a few random questions to wrap it up? ^_^ If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? 
only one word?? 
Wow. Had to ponder this for a bit. If someone was to only know me by one word, it'd probably be 'thinker' or 'dreamer'

*smiles* Love those. 

Any pet peeves? 
Whenever I get asked this question, or think about it, I always forget. Then when the pet peeve comes around I'm like "How could they?!" lol. Book related stuff is wen the bend or food pages/cover on a book. Life wise I can't seem the think of anything 

Favorite songs? 
Come Thou Fount by All Sons and Daughters
Priceless by For King and Country
Speak Life by Tobymac


Thank you so much for joining us today, Soleil!! :D Everyone be sure to check out Soleil's blogs (links at the beginning of the post). Have a blessed day! <3 

Sisters in Christ, 


  1. Fun interview Faith and Soleil!
    Isaiah 43:1 is one of my favorite Bible verses as well! My church sings it as a song and when I am upset or worried about something I catch myself humming it. :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed, Arnica! Oh, that sounds lovely!! ^.^

      Thanks for commenting!! :)

  2. I had a lot of fun getting to know you a little, Soleil!! :)
    Those are all great Bible verses. :)
    One of my favorite songs is Priceless as well! =)

    1. Priceless is sooo good. <3

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!


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