Hey everyone! How are you on this not so awesome because it's Monday glorious morning? :D I'm...pretty good. I've got alot done this morning in spite of suffering from a serious case of Sunday-lag. What's Sunday-lag, you're probably thinking. You know, what jet-lag is right? Well Sunday-lag is like that except it attacks you on Monday mornings. Yesterday was a more-than-usually tiring Sunday, so I'm still recovering... *stifles a yawn* Anyway... =) When you saw the title of this post there's a very good possibility you groaned in dread. "Oh, great," you may've moaned. "The girl who is so irresponsible in her blogging, writing, and probably everything else is giving me a lecture on responsibility?!" If that was you (or even if it wasn't), take a deep breath and relax. This isn't going to be a lecture. ;) What comes to mind when you think of responsibilities? For me I think of several lines I've heard ...