As in Olden Days by Jesseca Wheaton {Book Review}

~ Description 
A prequel to the "Questions of War" series. Set during the Christmas of 1939.

~ My Rating 
5 stars 

~ My Review 

If you have followed my blog for any length of time or if you know me, you've probably heard me talk about the Questions of War series. I love book-1, I love book-2 even more, and I'm not-so-patiently awaiting the rest of the series. 

But...then the mastermind author came up with a prequel novella, set during the Christmas of 1939 which just so happens to be the Christmas before the series begins....and I love it so much. <3 

The story is precious and sweet, humorous and endearing. If you've read the other books, it will probably mean even more to you. I read it for the second time last week, and I seriously teared up. Reading of a happy and joyous time in the lives of people who are soon to be hurt terribly by a world war was heartbreaking, and yet somehow beautiful. 

A definite favorite. <3


Visit Stories by Firefly for more 12 Days of Christmas fun! :D


  1. I really want to read this super soon!! Hopefully this weekend! ;)

  2. Ah, I can't wait to read this series of Jesseca's one day! Would you recommend reading this novella before or after the other books?

    1. These books are just so good! :) Hmmm...that's a very good question. I personally preferred reading it after starting the series (I actually read it between books 1 & 2), but you could read it first as you wanted. It would also be a good introduction to the series! ;)


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